archived functions/docConcordance.R

# An S4 class that holds a concordance for one term
# \code{docConcordance} creates a special \code{tei2r} object called a concordance
# @slot directory A string that gives the filepath to the main directory
# @slot indexFile A string providing the filepath to the index (usually a .csv file)
# @slot keyword A string providing the keyword
# @slot context An integer providing the context window, before and after the keyword
# @slot concordance A list of "keyword-in-context" character vectors.
# @section What it does:
# The docConcordance object is a structured list that holds all uses of a keyword
# found in a collection.
# @include docList.R
# @export
docConcordance <- setClass("docConcordance",
                           slots = c(directory   = "character",
                                     indexFile   = "character",
                                     keyword     = "character",
                                     context     = "numeric",
                                     concordance = "list",
                                     frequencies = "table"
michaelgavin/tei2r documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:50 p.m.